It all starts in the forest
Compared to 100 years ago, there is twice as much forest in Sweden today. It is unquestionably our most important renewable resource. And for us at Södra, it is where it all starts. In the forest. If we take care of it properly, we can also be successful in the next 100 years.
For every tree used in production by Södra’s industries, two new are planted. A modern, sustainable forestry is the foundation we stand on and our best approach to ensure the future.

Several of our most important products in ten years do not even exist today. There are plenty of hidden possibilities in the forest. It is up to us to find them. Your curiosity can take you anywhere in Södra.
We can create the innovations that make a difference, everywhere. In the forestry. In productions. With the help of technology. During the coffee break. And by investing millions in research.
One Södra and one company culture
The core values are clearly linked to our history. The story of how Södra started is in fact a story about collaboration, value-generating relationships and a sustainable and long-term approach. The core values have been with us ever since the forest owners formed the economic association. Value-generating relationships and a long-term approach has already led the way for generations, is the foundation of Södra and an integral part of who we are.
We are actively working with our core values, and through our work we are strengthening a unified company culture and creating One Södra. “By taking a long-term approach, Södra is building value-generating relationships and by building value-generating relationships, Södra is taking a long-term approach.”

Career - development for everyone
To have access to the right competence is crucial for Södra’s future. We are actively working for the opportunity to develop and to be developed at Södra. Our aim is to offer interesting development opportunities for all our employees, in a unique and attractive company culture. For us, the career is a process where you as an employee continuously develop. Apart from the great opportunity to exchange skills and knowledge with your colleagues in the day-to-day work, we offer trainings, development programs, advanced courses and professional networks.
We have defined four opportunities for development:
Linear – from employee to manager, to senior manager etc., with a strong interest for leadership and increased influence and responsibility.
Specialist – to be an expert in the field; long-term specialization and quality-orientation
Generalist – Development-oriented and unique with many competencies. Developing a career by broadening skills and knowledge within one specific or related areas
Matrix/project – change-oriented; a variety of different types of work and directions.
Employee benefits
Cabins and apartments
Skogsägarnas Personalstiftelse offers employees the opportunity to rent cabins and apartments (on selected locations in Sweden), in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Strömstad, Nordkoster, Stöten and Sågbäcken at a favourable price. -
Södra is covered by an insurance that offers our employees counselling for the following: Telephone service or visit to registered psychologist or behavioural scientist, conversation or visit with a lawyer or economist, telephone service with health coach for questions related to your lifestyle. The service is free of charge and available 24/7. -
Green electricity
Södra El offers something unique – an opportunity to purchase green electricity from the forest. -
Health insurance
Health insurance is an employment benefit that assures you quick access to specialist care. -
Health profile assessments
Through occupational health care, we offer every three years a health profile assessment that includes, for instance, an endurance test as well as eye exam, hearing test and control of blood pressure. -
Parental pay
Extra compensation during parental leave.
About Global Södra
Södra was founded in 1938 and is the largest forest-owner association in Sweden, with a membership of 52,000 forest owners. We engage in modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. Net sales in 2018 were 24 SEK billion and there were 3,100 employees. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra is leading the way for the future of sustainable forestry.